Spirit of the Rainbow Heron


If you would like to use any of our creative products in one of your own activities, please contact us.

Get in touch

We are happy to grant permission, free of charge, for use of our creative products for a specific event and purpose.

Please complete the Permissions Form below, and we will get back to you as soon as we can. The process may take a little while, so please ask for permission well in advance of your event.

Many of our products are copyright to Spirit of the Rainbow Heron. Some are copyright to individual artists and if that is the case, we will pass the request on to them.

In general, we are happy to grant permission for our products to be used as widely as possible, but we should also like to know where and how – not least so that we can assess the wider impact and reach of our work.
Thank you in advance!

Creative Commons Copyright



This licence allows you to download our works and share them with others as long as you credit us, but you can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.



Permissions Form

Please complete this form if you would like to use any of our materials

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  • Your Details