Spirit of the Rainbow Heron
Dance First. Think Later. That’s the natural order of things.
– Samuel Beckett

Spirit of the Rainbow Heron
Read the origins and workings of the fund below and view details of individual funded activities via the righthand sidebar
The organisation known as Spirit of the Rainbow Heron is based in Sheffield. It has been set up to commemorate the life and spirit of Dora Rachel Franks Daniel, who passed on from this life on 8th February 2015, just before her 28th birthday. Dora worked as Community Liaison for the University of Sheffield Students Union Volunteering Programme; she was well known across the city and had a positive impact in many ways. Dora was open about her own struggles with mental health; her bravery around this was inspiring and it translated into care for others. You can read more about her at www.DoraRainbow.com
Rainbow Heron Small Grants Fund
We have set up a separate trust, known as the Rainbow Heron Small Grants Fund. Through the trust, we provide one-off grants to individuals [or small groups] around the UK to develop specific creative / arts-based activities – with the aim of exploring the connection between mental health and creativity as well as promoting wider awareness about young people’s mental health.
Our Projects
The main aim of our website is to showcase the innovative work of the charity and that of our grant recipients. We will be adding more content as time goes on, so please visit again on a regular basis. We hope it will inspire others to speak out about mental health and share their own related creative work with a wider audience.
Contact Us
Please get in touch with us through the Contact form, whether you are interested in working with us or just want to know more about our work. We will reply as quickly as we can.
If you would like to use any of our creative products for the original intended purpose, in one of your own events, we request that you please read the Permissions page and send us the completed form. We are happy to grant permission for our products to be used as widely as possible, but we should also like to know where and how – not least so that we can assess the wider impact and reach of our work.
Thank you in advance!
Our Patron
Our patron is Louise Haigh MP (at 29, the youngest MP in the Labour Party) who will help us especially with our Sheffield Young People’s Mental Health Champion programme, which we aim to set up at the beginning of 2017.
Our Collaborators and Supporters
These include: Aim to Dance, The Art House, Dance Base Edinburgh, Chilypep, Dyonisis, Free Hand Creative, Mester Events, Now Then, Off the Shelf Festival of Words, Opus Independents, Sheffield MIND / Sheffield Mental Health Week, Sheffield University Theatre Workshop, Sheffield Hallam University Community Engagement / Festival of Creativity, Unkillable Clerics, Verse Matters, Word Life.
This website was created by Hannah Morgan at makeaspectacle