Spirit of the Rainbow Heron
Confidence TricksHannah Chutzpah’s one-woman UK poetry tour
“Would you sign my citalopram?
Because I need this visible enough
That you know you can help”

Confidence Tricks – rhymes and reasons for wellbeing
We are very proud to promote the work of Hannah Chutzpah as our first grant recipient.
Hannah has polished up her unique stand-up poetry show from the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and is taking it on tour throughout the country on behalf of the Rainbow Heron.
From Isle of Wight and Southampton through London and Cambridge to Edinburgh and Glasgow, venues and audiences include a mix of traditional arts settings (poetry nights, arts centres) along with Sixth Form Colleges and youth groups such as the Woodcraft Folk.
Reviews and reactions include:
- “Since attending her show, I’ve thought differently about the way I interact with people I admire. I’ve been less apologetic for my presence. It’s making a lot of little differences, and I’m happier and more confident as a result. Thank you; you may have changed my life.”
- “An awesome person; helped me identify several symptoms of my social anxiety.”
- “Feel like I’ve learnt some valuable life skills to get me through dark days, thank you.”
- “I work in an environment that aims to provide tools to give young women confidence – how to do it? Your show reinforced that talking and achievement and time help.”
- “Entertaining and inspiring!”
LATEST GIG hosted by Reading Behind The Lines Collective [Isle of Wight]. See more information here
DON’T MISS Hannah will be performing her show at Brighton Arts Festival May 5th, 6th and 7th at Sweet Waterfront 1
Sign My Citalopram
A 50 page collection of Hannah’s poems, taken both from the current Confidence Tricks tour and from her earlier work.
It will be available in hard copy for £5 (plus postage). It is free to download HERE in PDF (but please consider donating something to a relevant charity).
Published by the Spirit of the Rainbow Heron imprint
ISBN (Hard copy) 978-0-9955539-0-3
ISBN (PDF Download) 978-0-9955539-1-0
All proceeds from book sales will go to support the fight for mental health and wellbeing among young people.
Previous publications
Alchemy, Treasure and Butterfly Wings
Poetry pamphlet by Hannah Chutzpah
Produced by Allographic Press, 2014