Spirit of the Rainbow Heron
Sheffield Mental Health Activism Group“I’m not angry, I’m passionate”
Arising out of collaboration between Rainbow Heron Late Night Cafe and Campaign Bootcamp in 2018, this new group was set up as a separate activity at the beginning of 2019 with training and support from Rosie Huzzard (Campaign Bootcamp).

Arising out of collaboration between Rainbow Heron Late Night Cafe and Campaign Bootcamp in 2018, this new group was set up as a separate activity at the beginning of 2019 with training and support from Rosie Huzzard (Campaign Bootcamp). The group won some funding support from Food Works and She Works (via SOUP) and have shared their work with other networks, including the Sheffield Women’s Equality Hub.
The group has been awarded a grant from the Rainbow Heron Small Grants Fund for 2019-2020 to develop their work.
The group meet regularly, focussing on what changes they want to make for the future. They have developed a manifesto for promoting young people’s mental health in Sheffield and a plan to achieve the first aim – free community spaces for young people to meet and support each other.
Click here to download the manifesto
The group were part of the May 2019 Sheffield Festival of Debate, in their “Who We Are” strand, with their innovative workshop “Mad Pride” at the Art House:
“How do you define yourself and your mental health? How do you want others to interact with you? What messages do you have for the world? Bring ideas to create into art for debate – which we will share online and continue debating after the event.”
“I’m not angry, I’m passionate” is a message we saw a lot at our Mad Pride event.
For more information about the Activism work, visit: www.facebook.com/sheffieldmentalhealthactivism or contact [email protected]